Riding on a bumpy road
July 12, 2009
After having a rather good June in terms of training and racing, July turned out to be much more of a challenge. All on top of it, a fine summer flu hit me mid-week and this friday I had to take a full break because my head was about to explode. Somehow it seems I caught a virus between Germany, Norway, Sweden and Finland that only fully developed after the track workout on Tuesday. Even if my last flu occured more than half a year ago, it seems that once I get a flu, it’s a tough one. On friday and saturday I was sleeping something like 14 hours and still felt like crap!
As you always have to find something positive in the misery, I hope that the down-time also solved some of my issues with my left hamstring and my left foot. After all the most important race of the track season (Finnish Championships Kalevan Kisat 10.000m) is less than 3 weeks away and now there is definitely no time for injuries/diseases anymore.