March 14, 2009
Following the European Indoor Championships, the German Cross-Country Championships 2009 took place this weekend in Ingolstadt. Video-footage of the event can be found from here.
Men long distance:
German reigning 5.000m Champ Arne Gabius soon was the leader of the race and ran a lonely race. The battle about second place was won by Sebastian Hallmann, who came back after having a low in the middle of the race. Defending champion Stephan Hohl had to settle with 3rd place.
Men middle distance:
Another great showing of Wolfram Müller at the end of his winter season. After staying in the pack for the first parts of the race he attacked with about 1km to go and opened a gap of 9 seconds over the last kilometer. Second place was decided on the last meters, whereas Christoph Lohse marginally outkicked Carsten Schlangen.
Women’s race:
As expected Sabrina Mockenhaupt dominated the field and got her 6th national cross title. The 20sec-lead she had at 3km was extended to 39seconds in the finish. Susanne Hahn came in for a distant but unchallenged 2nd place and Junior Julia Hiller outran Ingalena Heuck in the challenge for the Bronce medal.
Selected results:
Men middle distance (3,1km):
1. Wolfram Müller 1981 m Männer SN LG Asics Pirna 0:09:12
2. Christoph Lohse 1983 m Männer WE TV Wattenscheid 01 0:09:21
3. Carsten Schlangen 1980 m Männer BE LG Nord Berlin 0:09:21
4. Stefan Eberhardt 1985 m Männer TH Laufclub Erfurt 0:09:28
5. Florian Orth 1989 m Männer HE ESV Jahn Treysa 0:09:28
6. Jonas Stifel 1980 m Männer BE LG Nord Berlin 0:09:34
7. Franek Haschke 1980 m Männer BE LG Nord Berlin 0:09:34
8. Moritz Waldmann 1985 m Männer NI LG Hannover 0:09:36
9. Ricardo Filipe Giehl 1985 m Männer NO TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0:09:37
10. Jonas Hamm 1980 m Männer NI LG Braunschweig 0:09:38
11. Norbert Löwa 1984 m Männer BE LG Nord Berlin 0:09:39
12. Johannes Raabe 1987 m Männer NI LG Hannover 0:09:41
13. Christophe Chayriguet 1979 m Männer BY LG Stadtwerke München 0:09:42
14. Christian Königstein 1987 m Männer NO TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0:09:44
15. Simon Huckestein 1985 m Männer WE SG Wenden 0:09:45
16. Matthias Walker 1983 m Männer WÜ LAC Pliezhausen 0:09:46
17. Tobias Gröbl 1983 m Männer BY LG Zusam 0:09:47
18. Markus Giering 1985 m Männer WÜ LG Badenova Nordschwarzwald 0:09:48
19. Christian Lenk 1979 m Männer WÜ LG Badenova Nordschwarzwald 0:09:50
20. Ken Fessel 1985 m Männer ST Hallesche Leichtathl.-Freunde 0:09:51
Men long distance (10,1km):
1. Arne Gabius 1981 m Männer WÜ LAV Asics Tübingen 0:32:29
2. Sebastian Hallmann 1977 m Männer BY LG Stadtwerke München 0:32:50
3. Stephan Hohl 1980 m Männer BA TV Huchenfeld 0:32:58
4. Lars Haferkamp 1979 m Männer NO TV Refrath 0:32:58
5. Richard Friedrich 1981 m Männer BY LG Passau 0:33:00
6. Carlo Schuff 1980 m Männer RL Post-Sport Telekom Trier 0:33:10
7. Dirk Schwarzbach 1981 m Männer NI TSV Kirchdorf 0:33:17
8. Markus Meißgeier 1982 m Männer BY LG Hof 0:33:43
9. Julian Flügel 1986 m Männer HE PSV Grün-Weiß Kassel 0:33:54
10. Markus Weiß-Latzko 1984 m Männer WÜ LAV Asics Tübingen 0:34:02
11. Thomas Springer 1984 m Männer ST SV Halle 0:34:03
12. Florian Reichert 1982 m Männer NI TSV Kirchdorf 0:34:05
13. Marc Schulze 1984 m Männer SN TSV Dresden 0:34:10
14. Heiko Middelhoff 1983 m Männer BY MTV 1881 Ingolstadt 0:34:11
15. Jonas Engler 1985 m Männer BE OSC Berlin 0:34:32
16. Stefan Paternoster 1979 m Männer BY LG Passau 0:34:41
17. Stefan Hohberger 1982 m Männer BY LG Passau 0:34:43
18. Raphael Arnold 1980 m Männer WÜ LAV Asics Tübingen 0:34:44
19. Philipp Brouwer 1982 m Männer BY Post-Telekom-SV Rosenheim 0:34:52
20. Dominik Wagner 1986 m Männer BY LG TELIS FINANZ Regensburg 0:34:53
Women/Junior Women/Senior Women (5,1km):
1. Sabrina Mockenhaupt 1980 w Frauen NO Kölner Verein für Marathon 0:17:27
2. Susanne Hahn 1978 w Frauen SL SV Schlau.Com Saar 05 Sbr. 0:18:06
3. Julia Hiller 1987 w Juniorinnen BY LAC Quelle Fü/Mü 0:18:14
4. Ingalena Heuck 1986 w Frauen BY LG Stadtwerke München 0:18:18
5. Mareike Schrulle 1989 w Juniorinnen NO LG ASV/DSHS Köln 0:18:23
6. Verena Dreier 1985 w Frauen RL LG Sieg 0:18:24
7. Ulrike Maisch 1977 w Frauen MV 1.LAV Rostock 0:18:26
8. Simret Restle 1984 w Frauen HE LG Eintracht Frankfurt 0:18:32
9. Birte Bultmann 1974 w Frauen WE TV Wattenscheid 01 0:18:45
10. Veronika Ulrich 1968 w Frauen W40 BY LG TELIS FINANZ Regensburg 0:18:54
11. Cornelia Schwennen 1987 w Juniorinnen NI SV Concordia Emsbüren 0:18:55
12. Julia Viellehner 1985 w Frauen BY LG Passau 0:18:58
13. Carolin Lang 1986 w Frauen BA LC Rothaus Breisgau 0:19:03
14. Susi Lutz 1987 w Juniorinnen BY LG TELIS FINANZ Regensburg 0:19:11
15. Ursula Gatzweiler 1988 w Juniorinnen NO LG ASV/DSHS Köln 0:19:25
16. Marina Hilschenz 1981 w Frauen HH LG Wedel-Pinneberg 0:19:30
17. Stefanie Wiesmair 1980 w Frauen HE PSV Grün-Weiß Kassel 0:19:34
18. Anna Hahner 1989 w Juniorinnen HE PSV Grün-Weiß Kassel 0:19:36
19. Nina Schüler 1980 w Frauen WE ESV Münster 0:19:38
20. Anne Kesselring 1989 w Juniorinnen BY LAC Quelle Fü/Mü 0:19:40
Junior Men (7,1km):
1. Alexander Hahn 1989 m Junioren NO TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0:22:41
2. Philipp Pflieger 1987 m Junioren BY LG TELIS FINANZ Regensburg 0:22:42
3. Rico Schwarz 1988 m Junioren TH ASV Erfurt 0:22:51
4. Manuel Stöckert 1988 m Junioren BY TSV Ostheim v.d. Rhön 0:23:05
5. Richard Ringer 1989 m Junioren WÜ VfB LC Friedrichshafen 0:23:13
6. Fynn Schwiegelshohn 1988 m Junioren WE LG Olympia Dortmund 0:23:16
7. Thorsten Baumeister 1988 m Junioren RL Post-Sport Telekom Trier 0:23:31
8. Hagen Brosius 1988 m Junioren BB Potsdamer Laufclub 0:23:39
9. Marcus Schöfisch 1987 m Junioren TH Erfurter LAC 0:23:43
10. Daniel Götz 1989 m Junioren BY LAC Quelle Fü/Mü 0:23:45
11. Tobias Menges 1989 m Junioren BA SG Walldorf-Astoria 02 0:24:01
12. Jan Mattis Kuhn 1987 m Junioren HE LC Eschenburg 0:24:01
13. Raphael Viellehner 1988 m Junioren BY LG Passau 0:24:02
14. Leif Schröder-Groeneveld 1989 m Junioren SH SC Gut Heil Neumünster 0:24:09
15. Viktor Kuk 1989 m Junioren NI OSC Damme 0:24:10
16. Thorben Dietz 1989 m Junioren WE LG Dorsten 0:24:10
17. Hannes Hettfleisch 1987 m Junioren HH LG Wedel-Pinneberg 0:24:11
18. Tobias Schreindl 1988 m Junioren BY LG Passau 0:24:23
19. Florian Pehrs 1989 m Junioren NI TuS Gildehaus 0:24:29
20. René Stöckert 1990 m Junioren BY TSV Ostheim v.d. Rhön 0:24:32
full results of the championships
March 12, 2009
Reigning European 10.000m Champion Jan Fitschen is still struggling with an aching patellar tendon and still is not able to perform a regular running training. Fitschen already had to cancel the traditional spring training camp at the altitude of Flagstaff/Arizona and now he is hoping to train with a bigger group of runners at the Dutch North Sea island Texel during April. “I want to run painfree in April” he stated and also had a look forward: “The time until the World Championships is running out. It’s going to be super-tight.” However, he also has a plan if he should not be able to compete in the track season during summer 2009: if this happens he is going to run road races later in the year.
March 10, 2009
The road running season 2009 is just starting to get rolling in Germany. In the 34th International Bienwaldmarathon + 31. National Halfmarathon Kandel the first respectable times were achieved. Especially half marathon winner Dennis Pyka proved a strong early shape with a 1:07:32h clocking.
Triathlon specialist Lothar Leder used the marathon as a training run and finished in easy 2:49h.
Lead results were as follows:
marathon men:
1 Jäkel, Robert (GER) TuS 08 Lintorf 02:35:48
2 Dörr, Hans-Jörg (GER) TV Hatzenbühl 02:37:35
3 Fischer, Martin (GER) TV Offenbach 02:39:07
4 Kaiser, Markus (GER) Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei 02:41:29
5 Läpple, Gerhard (GER) TSV Hildrizhausen 02:41:49
6 Manz, Norman (DEU) LG Hardt 02:42:33
7 Lürken, Franz-Josef (GER) Germania 07 Dürwiss 02:42:49
8 Schmitz, Ruben (GER) TMK 02:43:06
9 Kunz, Oliver (GER) LT-Altburg 02:44:02
10 Wagner, Marco (GER) LAG Obere Murg 02:44:34
11 Ellis, Dirk (GER) kedder racing team KA 02:46:21
12 Beichele, Michael (GER) LG Stadtwerke München 02:46:38
13 Leder, Lothar (GER) LLG Wonnegau 02:49:22
14 Bollinger, Klemens (GER) SV Nekar Heidelberg 02:49:59
15 Spenlein, Michael (GER) Mainz 02:52:11
16 Veith, Dietmar (DEU) LG Dettingen /Erms 02:52:13
17 Dr. Beha, Daniel (DEU) CIS Amberg 02:52:33
18 Härle, Armin (GER) EK Schwaikheim 02:53:34
19 Mathäss, Bernhard (GER) TV Maikammer 02:53:49
20 Reising, Joachim (GER) TSG Kleinostheim 02:53:53
marathon women:
1 Hebding, Marion (GER) TV Rheinau 1893 e.V. 03:04:05
2 Meiniger, Simone (GER) LTG Kämpfelbach 03:07:47
3 Fromm, Nadine (GER) Fitness Factory 03:08:28
4 Falkenstein, Dr. Dorothea (GER) TV Maikammer 03:11:08
5 Lehmler, Jennifer (DEU) TG Oberlahnstein 1878 e.V 03:17:51
6 Wagner, Constanze (GER) 03:18:06
7 Rölli, Elvira (GER) SV Birkenhard 03:20:26
8 Marhöfer-Moskopp, Beate (GER) VLG Maximiliansau 03:22:33
9 Maier-Kling, Isolde (GER) SV Birkenhard 03:22:38
10 Poppe, Marion (GER) Die Schneiders 03:25:38
11 Meinert, Margit (GER) AST Reichenbach 03:25:59
12 Heidemann, Gaby (GER) SV Wolsfeld 03:26:37
13 Schäfer, Sandra (GER) 1. FC Kaiserlautern 03:29:32
14 Aaronson, Stefanie (GER) Spvg. Niedersachen 03:29:35
15 Siebenrok, Kathrin (DEU) TSV Talheim 03:29:37
16 Stras, Viola (GER) TV Lebach 03:30:07
17 Rilling, Gabriele (GER) TV Offenbach v.1886 e.V 03:34:17
18 Dang, Marion (GER) 03:34:57
19 Becker, Annette (GER) VfL Ostelsheim 03:38:45
20 Schneider, Andrea (GER) Frankenthal 03:39:09
halfmarathon men:
1 Pyka, Dennis (GER) Telis Finanz Regensburg 01:07:32
2 Stilgenbauer, Jürgen (GER) Gesundheitszentrum Stim 01:11:25
3 Richard, Sébastien (FRA) EPSAN Brumath 01:12:36
4 Lafrenz, Fabian (DEU) LG Neckar-Enz 01:13:06
5 Häntzschel, Steffen (DEU) 01:13:30
6 Koch, Matthias, Dr. (GER) LAV asics Tübingen 01:13:30
7 Imbsweiler, Marcus (GER) TSG 78 Heidelberg 01:14:00
8 Friedrich, Uwe (GER) Chemnitzer PSV 01:14:00
9 Greiner, Christopher (GER) LG Stadtwerke München 01:14:56
10 Kelter, Gerhard (DEU) USC Freiburg 01:15:52
11 Bauer, Christian (GER) LSG-Schwarzwald-Marathon 01:16:20
12 Collerone, Alessandro (GER) sparda-team-rechberghausen 01:16:46
13 Seehase, Marco (GER) TG Ötigheim 01:17:17
14 Weidner, Ingo (GER) LG Filder 01:17:19
15 Guittet, Denis (FRA) ANA RAC WISSEMBOURG 01:17:56
16 Voß, Sven-Martin (GER) TV Mußbach 01:17:58
17 Düngelhoef, Hermann (GER) Soprema T. MTG Mannheim 01:17:59
18 Wolf, Christian (GER) LAV ASICS Tübingen 01:18:04
19 Dolejsi, Josef (GER) TG Ötigheim 01:18:12
20 Palm, Georg (GER) DJK JS Herzogenrath 01:18:40
halfmarathon women:
1 Maissenbacher, Simone (GER) LSG Karlsruhe 01:17:57
2 Knopf, Valerie (GER) LSG Karlsruhe 01:25:07
3 Wagner, Ursula (DEU) TSV 1886 Kandel 01:25:20
4 Brenner, Elke (GER) LG Neckar-Enz 01:25:21
5 Merkel, Heide (GER) TG Ötigheim 01:25:23
6 Böhm, Nicole (GER) FFF Koblenz 01:26:43
7 Hoeltz, Ulrike (DEU) LSG Karlsruhe 01:27:23
8 Wylcans, Laurence (FRA) LT Hemsbach 01:29:05
9 Schikowski, Irene (GER) TG Konz 01:29:58
10 Jansohn, Susanne (GER) die renntiere 01:30:26
11 Walter, Verena (GER) Marathon-Club Menden 01:30:37
12 Lippold, Julia (GER) LG Filder 01:31:05
13 Koether, Ursula (DEU) TUS Köln rrh. 01:32:20
14 Lenz-Müller, Monika (GER) TSG Grünstadt 01:32:24
15 Wurster, Petra (DEU) LAV Asics Tübingen 01:34:45
16 Engelke-Horn, Carolin (GER) SG Poseidon Eppelheim 01:34:52
17 Etzbach, Britta (GER) LLG Wonnegau 01:35:04
18 Hochlenert, Angela (GER) 01:35:13
19 Staretschek, Julia (GER) LG Hardt 01:35:31
20 Weingärtner, Karin (GER) TG Ötigheim 01:35:36
full results of the race
March 8, 2009
German Wolfram Müller became 4th in the final of the 1.500m final of the European Indoor Championships 2009 in Torino. After winning his heat on Saturday, the 27-year ran a time of 3:44,95 in Sunday’s final, only 0,20 seconds behind eventual 3rd place Yoann Kowal of France. Even if Müller himself was a bit disappointed and said that he was encumbered in the last curve, it is still nice to see Wolfram back in the international top class of middle distance running. In his early 20′s (i.e. around 5 years back) he was seen as Germany’s biggest middle distance talent but afterwards went through a lot of downs. Just in time before the home World Championships 2009 he now seems to be back on track!
Germany’s second entry at the 1500m, Carsten Schlangen missed the final after taking 4th place (3:43.45min) in a heat, where he set the pace for most of the race. Also 800 meter runner René Bauschinger didn’t survive the first round with a clocking of 1:52.50min for 4th place in his heat.
Disappointingly, no German women were present in the middle distance events at the Champioships.
March 5, 2009
The German Cross-Country Championships 2009 will take place in Ingolstadt (Bavaria) on 14th of March. As organisers now announced in a press conference, 1191 entries from more than 300 clubs have been made. “We are satisfied with both quantity and quality of the field” the head of the organising committee was quoted.
The women’s field includes the headliners Sabrina Mockenhaupt, Susanne Hahn and Ulrike Maisch, while Stephan Hohl is seen as the favorite in the men’s long distance event. In the men’s middle distance race both Wolram Müller and Carsten Schlangen have good chances along with local hero Sebastian Hallmann.
March 5, 2009
Irina Mikitenko decided where she is going to stay for her altitude camp: Just like last year she will prepare for the London Marathon in the mountains of Kirghizia. “We will stay there 4 weeks. At the moment the conditions are good, during daytime up to 15 degrees Celsius and moreover it’s dry” stated Mikitenko. Last year’s winner of London and Berlin Marathon will start her journey on 8th of March.
March 5, 2009
Britain’s marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe is out of next months London marathon (26.4.09) after breaking a toe in training. The three time winner of the London race suffered the injury on the right second toe while altitude training in the United States (New Mexico). It is believed that the injury may have been forced by a ganglion, a swelling that forms around the tendons or joints, that might have changed her foot dynamics.
Radcliffe stated that she is considering surgery to get 100% fit as soon as physically possible and to prevent future problems.
Radcliffe now shifts the focus on the World Championship marathon in Berlin this year. With Germany’s Irina Mikitenko, Romanian Constantina Dita, Catherine Ndereba of Kenya and many other superb runners the London marathon will nevertheless provide a race to watch. The women’s elite field consists of the following runners:
Irina Mikitenko GER 2:19:19
Catherine Ndereba KEN 2:18:47
Zhou Chunxiu CHN 2:19:51
Berhane Adere ETH 2:20:42
Lyudmila Petrova RUS 2:21:29
Constantina Dita ROM 2:21:30
Svetlana Zakharova RUS 2:21:31
Gete Wami ETH 2:21:34
Yuri Kano JPN 2.24.27
Tomo Morimoto JPN 2.24.33
Mara Yamauchi GBR 2:25:03
Martha Komu KEN 2:25:33
Mika Okunaga JPN 2.27.52
Kirsten Melkevik Otterbu NOR 2:29:12
Inga Abitova RUS 2:33:55
Kate O’Neill USA 2:34:04
Liliya Shobukhova RUS Debut
Jo Pavey GBR Debut
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