Marathonscene - Part 48

more than 15.000 registrations for Hamburg marathon 2009 – deadline extended

Until the end of the official registration period (31.11.08) 15.238 runners registered for the Hamburg marathon, that will take place on April 26 2009. The officials decided to extend the registration deadline and registrations for the race can still be made at The Hamburg marathon is still looking for a new title sponsor (story here), but even without this important financial supporter the marathon is secured until 2012.

Germany announces teams for European Cross Country Championships

As already reported, Germany will send 6 complete teams to the European Cross Country Championships on December 14 in Brussels. That means that there will be five or six Germans in every of the six championship races. Since the best four runners form a team the officials hope to be present in individual and team competitions alike.

The qualification was based on the last cross-country races, especially those in Darmstadt and Huchenfeld. The team also includes the Olympians Susanne Hahn and Antje Möldner.

The complete German team:

Men (approx. 10K):
Jan Förster (TV Rheinau), Sebastian Hallmann (LG Stadtwerke München), Stephan Hohl (TV Huchenfeld), Christoph Lohse (TV Wattenscheid 01), Steffen Uliczka (SG Kronshagen/Kiel)

Women (approx. 8K):
Birte Bultmann (TV Wattenscheid 01), Susanne Hahn (SV Saar 05), Antje Möldner (SC Potsdam), Simret Restle (LG Eintracht Frankfurt), Julia Viellehner (LG Passau)

Junior Men U23 (approx. 8K):
Thorsten Baumeister (Post-Sport Telekom Trier), Arthur Lenz (SC Magdeburg), Philipp Pflieger (LG Telis Finanz Regensburg), Marcus Schöfisch (LC Erfurt), Fynn Schwiegelshohn (LG Olympia Dortmund)

Junior Women U23 (approx. 6K):
Katharina Becker (LG Badenova Nordschwarzwald), Heike Bienstein (LG Olympia Dortmund), Ingalena Heuck (LG Stadtwerke München), Julia Hiller (LAC Quelle Fürth/München), Carolin Lang (LC Rothaus Breisgau)

Youth Men U20 (approx. 6K):
Kenneth Gerschler (LG Olympia Dortmund), Timo Göhler (SV Auringen), Alexander Hahn (TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen), Stefan Hendtke (SC Potsdam), Florian Orth (ESV Jahn Treysa), Richard Ringer (VfB LC Friedrichshafen)

Youth Women U20 (approx. 4K):
Carolin Aehling (LG Coesfeld), Mira Glocker (LAV asics Tübingen), Anna Hahner (PSV Grün-Weiß Kassel), Corinna Harrer (LG Telis Finanz Regensburg), Mareike Schrulle (LAC Veltins Hochsauerland), Jana Sussmann (LG Nordheide)

Falk Cierpinski with 10th place in Basel as Julia Viellehner just misses the podium

German marathon runner Falk Cierpinski placed 10th in the Basler-Stadtlauf (cityrun Basel) over 10Km with a time of 29:22min. The race was won by Ethiopian Tolossa Chengere in 28:56min. Best European was Swiss marathon record holder Viktor Röthlin in 5th place (29:05min).

In the 7,8km women’s race the Germans Julia Viellehner (4th, 26:04), Simret Restle (12th, 27:10) and Claudia Dreher (15th, 27:50) represented the German long distance runners.

Latest News: Kenenisa Bekele suffered a stress fracture

Several media reported that the Ethiopian distance miracle Kenenisa Bekele will be sidelined for the next months because of a stress fracture on his ankle. The injury occurred in the preparation for the 15Km road running world record attempt in Njimegen, Netherlands in Mid-November. Eventually he took 3rd place in the race and could not stand on his two feet after crossing the finish line.

The 26-year old Olympic 5.000 and 10.000m was told to completely rest for 2 months and then start light training. Consequently he will run no indoor races and even during the Cross-Country season he might not be able to defend his World Champ title.

Even if he had problems with his achilles heel in 2002 that forced him out of competition in that season, it is the first major injury and it remains to be seen how good he will cope with this incidence. Nevertheless, it shows that also the East Africans are no running machines and are working on their very limit.

Darmstadt-CROSS with EC-qualification report + results, 23.11.2008

The Darmstadt Cross was the last qualification race for the European Cross Country Championships 2008 in Brussels. After the competition the coaches and officials announced, that there will most probably be 6 German teams in Belgium (male and female teams for main category, junior and youth races).
Sebastian Hallmann secured a comfortable win in the men’s race, stating that “… the race was not as tough as some of the training sessions in the last weeks”. In the 3rd of 8 rounds he settled in first place and continuously increased his lead. Steffen Uliczka and Jan Förster took the minor places on the podium.
In the womens race Julia Viellehner took first place ahead of Birte Bultmann and the two Juniors Ingalena Heuck and Julia Hiller.
The Darmstadt Cross brought most of the best German distance runners together and even some top marathoners (e.g. Falk Cierpinski, Susanne Hahn, Ulrike Maisch,…) challenged the cross specialists.

Lead results were as follows:

Men (9,7K)

1. Hallmann Sebastian 77 LG Stadtwerke München 29:39.7
2. Uliczka Steffen 84 SG TSV Kronsh./Kieler TB 29:49.2
3. Förster Jan 82 TV Rheinau 1893 30:03.0
4. Lohse Christoph 83 TV Wattenscheid/Uni E/DU 30:20.0
5. Hohl Stephan 80 TV Huchenfeld 30:25.8
6. Friedrich Richard 81 LG Passau 30:29.5
7. Zeiler Timo 81 TSV Trochtelfingen 30:44.9
8. Cierpinski Falk 78 SG Spergau 30:48.5
9. Koch Ueli 79 Schweiz 31:00.0
10. Lorbacher David 84 LG TELIS FINANZ Regensb. ML 31:12.0

Women (6,7K)
1. Viellehner Julia 85 LG Passau 23:16.8
2. Bultmann Birte 74 TV Wattenscheid/UniBochum 23:22.8
3. Hahn Susanne 78 SV Saar 05 24:02.2
4. Bühler Sigrid 79 TV Waldstrasse Wiesbaden 24:20.9
5. Ulrich Veronika 68 LG TELIS FINANZ Regensb. 24:26.4
6. Dreier Verena 85 LG Sieg 24:28.1
7. Beckmann Stephanie 79 LG Leinfelden-Echterd. 24:30.2
8. Werner Kerstin 82 TV Wattenscheid/UniBochum 24:48.5
9. Schnabel Anja 85 LAZ Salamander Kornwesth 25:07.4
10. Maisch Ulrike 77 1. LAV Rostock 25:14.2

Junior Men (8,5K)
1. Baumeister Thorsten 88 Post-Sport-Telekom-Trier 26:06.0
2. Schöfisch Marcus 87 LC Erfurt 26:14.1
3. Schwiegelshohn Fynn 88 LGO Dortmund 26:18.7
4. Pflieger Philipp 87 LG TELIS FINANZ Regensb. 26:25.2
5. Roch Alexandre 86 Schweiz 26:36.9
6. Lenz Arthur 88 SC Magdeburg 26:45.2
7. Steinhammer Christia 88 Österreich 26:48.9
8. Hubert Stefan 86 SV Sömmerda e.V. 26:52.5
9. Viellehner Raphael 88 LG Passau MJUN 27:12.0
10. Glatting Christian 86 TV Wattenscheid / Uni Bo 27:15.2

Junior Women (6,7K)
1. Heuck Ingalena 86 LG Stadtwerke München 23:31.9
2. Hiller Julia 87 LAC Quelle F/M / Uni Erl. 23:57.7
3. Bienstein Heike 86 LGO Dortmund 24:06.5
4. Lang Carolin 86 LC Rothaus Breisgau 24:13.3
5. Becker Katharina 86 LG badenova Nordschwarzw 24:16.3
6. Lutz Susi 87 LG TELIS FINANZ Regensb. 24:22.5
7. Richter Rhea 86 MTV Itzehoe 25:03.6
8. Schumacher Kristina 87 TSV Genkingen 25:08.4
9. Gatzweiler Ursula 88 LG ASV / DSHS Köln 25:11.6
10. Schmitt Natascha 86 LG Eintr. Frankf./Uni MZ 25:31.1

more results of the race

Viktor Röthlin to skip the World Championships marathon 2009 in Berlin

Swiss marathon ace Viktor Röthlin announced already now, that he is not going to compete in the 2009 World Championship marathon in Berlin. About his plans he said: “I will run another city marathon”. While he has not finalised the planning for the autumn, it is sure that he is going to run the London Marathon on 26th April 2009 as his spring marathon. “There are only few marathons in the world, in which a marathon runner must definitely compete. London is for sure one of those marathons” he stated about the marathon in the British capital.
As a preparation for London, Viktor Röthlin will run 3 road races in Switzerland this year before he is heading to a training camp to Kenya.

Stefan Koch changes running club

German marathon hopeful Stefan Koch will leave the TV Wattenscheid 01 and is going to run for the LG Braunschweig next year. The 24-year old (PB: 2:15:38) is a hot candidate for next year’s marathon team for the home World Championships in Berlin.

After the loss of Alexander Lubina (end of competitive career) the distance team of the TV Wattenscheid is now pretty weakened and Jan Fitschen lost quite some club mates.

Jan Fitschen continues alternative training as he still has injury problems

Jan Fitschen just came back from a 10-day training camp in Lanzarote (ESP): “The training conditions are great and also the weather was perfect”. Only the running sessions were missing because of problems on the plantar tendon on the right foot. The injury already lasts for a while and forces the European 10.000m Champion to alternative training. Aqua-jogging (“It is horrible, it is so boring. But it’s easier when I’m not at home”) and bicycle exercises stood on the training plan during the 10 days in Spain. During his stay he cycled around 800km even if he didn’t cycle on some days.

The 31-year old is not planning any indoor season and would be glad if the plantar tendon would be pain-free until the beginning of January.

German TOP 20 list marathon (women) 2008

After yesterdays 2008-ranking for the halfmarathon. The TOP20 female marathon runners are as follows:

Marathon women:

1. 2:19:19 Irina Mikitenko
2. 2:26:22 Sabrina Mockenhaupt
3. 2:28:20 Melanie Kraus
4. 2:29:33 Susanne Hahn
5. 2:29:58 Luminita Zaituc
6. 2:35:35 Claudia Dreher
7. 2:38:00 Bernadette Pichlmaier
8. 2:38:21 Silvia Krull
9. 2:43:04 Birgitt Bohn
10. 2:44:53 Ira Korsten
11. 2:46:58 Sonja Oberem
12. 2:47:38 Simone Maissenbacher
13. 2:49:19 Melanie Hohenester
14. 2:49:22 Birgit Bartels
15. 2:51:27 Susanne Brema
16. 2:55:11 VictoriaWillcox-Heidner
17. 2:56:23 Bianca Meyer
18. 2:56:59 Karsta Parsiegla
19. 2:57:08 Silke Bittel
20. 2:57:14 Ilona Pfeiffer

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