Marathonscene - Part 53

7th Mitteldeutscher Marathon results, 07.09.2008

Lead results were as follows:

marathon men:
1 Thuo Muigai, Paul (KEN) MHK Bitterfelder SV 2000 e. V. 02:20:33
2 Kiplagat Sang, Isaak (KEN) M30 Bitterfelder SV 2000 e. V. 02:26:39
3 Ahansal, Lahcen (MAR) M35 02:26:54
4 König, Thomas (GER) M40 Ski- und Laufverein Lößnitz e. 02:33:46
5 Friedemann, Marcus MHK DSC Dresden 02:39:31
6 Becker, Michael (GER) M40 SG Spergau 02:42:26
7 Brückner, Rene` (GER) MHK Bundeswehr 02:48:58
8 Große, René (GER) M30 Glückauf Sondershausen 02:49:41
9 Müller, Dennis M30 SV 1916 Beuna 02:52:58
10 Zabel, Egbert (GER) M55 FSV Köthen e. V. 02:55:04
11 Matthesius, Ronald (D) M40 02:55:25
12 Dümke, Harald (GER) M45 LAV Halensia e. V. 02:57:51
13 Krüger, Norbert (GER) M50 LAV Halensia e. V. 02:58:31
14 Becker, Frank (GER) M40 USV Erfurt 03:02:57
15 Werner, Andreas (GER) M40 Bauservice Nemt 03:03:05

marathon women:
1 Silvia, Schmied (GER) W40 03:14:36
2 Borggrefe, Katja (GER) W35 SG Spergau 03:18:12
3 Semjonowa, Tanja (UKR) W45 LEV Oberholz 03:26:26
4 Scholze, Marianne (GER) W50 TuS Deuz 03:36:21
5 Bergmann, Heike (D) W45 TSV Zeulenroda 03:46:12
6 Loth, Nancy (GER) WHK 03:48:13
7 Müller, Claudia (GER) WHK 03:50:32
8 Tennstedt, Birgit (GER) W40 Birgits Laufschule 03:52:35
9 Wölfer, Kathrin (GER) W35 TC Orca Halle e. V. 03:56:03
10 Spitzer, Jacqueline (GER) W30 Irrläufer 03:56:41
11 Driemel, Tanja (GER) W35 03:58:15
12 Belizki, Swetlana (GER) W45 03:58:37
13 Arnold, Jana (GER) W40 03:58:41
14 Müller, Annett (GER) W35 SV Rossau 53 04:01:16
15 Brückner, Daniela (GER) W40 PTSV Halle e. V. 04:02:29

halfmarathon men:
1 Cierpinski, Falk (GER) M30 SG Spergau 01:08:27
2 Soos, Daniel (HUN) MHK Budapesti Honvéd SE 01:08:40
3 Rodewald, Peter (DEU) MHK USV Jena 01:08:51
4 Schrutek, Christian (GER) MHK LC Cottbus 01:11:06
5 Tobry, Daniel (GER) MHK SV Turbine Halle e. V. 01:11:09
6 Matthes, Torsten (GER) M30 LAV Halensia e. V. 01:11:31
7 Urich, Matthias (GER) M35 VLG 1991 Magdeburg 01:11:34
8 Senczyszyn, Zoltan (GER) MHK LC Cottbus 01:11:37
9 Hämmerling, Jan Oliver (GER) M35 Rollstuhl-SC Hamburg 01:11:39
10 Naumann, Daniel (GER) MHK LC Cottbus 01:13:25

halfmarathon women:
1 Jakobler, Daniela (GER) W30 LG Wedel-Pinneberg 01:25:20
2 Löbel, Claudia (GER) WHK LAV Halensia e. V. 01:25:50
3 Krinke, Nicole (GER) W30 LG Nienburg 01:27:51
4 Dörfer, Kristin W40 Team Speiche 01:28:49
5 Heinke, Nancy (GER) WHK OSC Berlin 01:28:53
6 Wegener, Cathérine (GER) W30 TSG GutsMuths 1860 Quedlinburg 01:30:13
7 Hornbostel, Ulla (GER) W45 TV Klein Ilsede 01:30:55
8 Rogge, Barbara (GER) W40 OSC Berlin 01:31:00
9 Scharf, Silke (GER) W35 01:32:43
10 Arlinghaus, Ann-Katrin (GER) WJA LG Wilhelmshaven 01:32:50

10K men:
1 Lindner, Benjamin (GER) MHK SG Spergau 00:31:20
2 Borggrefe, Fabian (GER) M35 SG Spergau 00:31:35
3 Müller, Michael (GER) M30 SG Spergau 00:33:11
4 Walther, Eric M30 Moderner 5-Kampf 00:33:31
5 Weber, Kai (D) MHK SC DHfK Leipzig e. V. 00:33:32
6 Bernstein, Christian (GER) MJUN SG Spergau 00:36:07
7 Schinkitz, Heiko (DEU) M50 SG Adelsberg e. V. 00:36:32
8 Schuster, Wolfgang (DEU) M50 Zeitgeschichte Halle e.V. 00:37:35
9 Jakobler, Thomas (DEU) M40 VFL Wolfsburg 00:38:01
10 Hedderich, Thomas (GER) MHK Hüttenröder Skiverein e. V. 00:38:28

10K women:
1 Bernstein, Steffi (GER) W40 SG Spergau 00:41:22
2 Naumann, Dörte (GER) WHK 00:45:25
3 Seifert, Gisela (GER) W50 USV Halle e. V. 00:45:54
4 Bernstein, Julia (GER) WSchA TSV Leuna 00:48:06
5 Rückriem, Babette (GER) WJB SSV-MG-Ahlsdorf 00:49:09
6 Barthel, Ramona (GER) W40 SG Spergau 00:49:38
7 Finger, Juliane (GER) WHK USV Halle e. V. 00:49:51
8 Bock, Manuela (DEU) W30 LL Auensee Leipzig 00:49:51
9 Vetter, Cornelia (DEU) WHK LAV Halensia e. V. 00:50:01
10 Ebert, Cornelia (GER) W35 00:50:32

full results of the race

5th Kö-Lauf in Düsseldorf, 07.09.2008

Both 10km-races in the Düsseldorfer Kö-Lauf 2008 were won by Kenyans.
The fastest runner in the mens’ category was Stanley Salil (KEN; 28:55 min) ahead of Joseph Kimisi (KEN; 29:00 min), Stephan Rogat (TAN; 29:04 min) and Vitali Rybak (UKR; 29:15 min). Best German was Alexander Lubina, who came in 5th with a time of 29:51. It was Lubina’s last test before the German 10K-road running championships on September, 13th and he thinks that he will be at least 20seconds faster next weekend.
The womens’ race was won by Pauline Njery in 33:03 min ahead of Alice Mogire (both KEN; 33:11 min). German marathon Olympian Melanie Kraus came home 3rd in 33:17. It seems Kraus has well recovered from the Beijing race and wants to use her good shape to earn some money on the German roads.

Lead results were as follows:

10K men:
1 Salil, Stanley M20 Kenia 00:28:57
2 Kimisi, Joseph M20 Kenia 00:29:01
3 Rogat, Stephen M20 Tansania 00:29:05
4 Rybak, Vitalii M20 Ukraine 00:29:16
5 Lubina, Alexander M20 TV Wattenscheid 01 00:29:51
6 Hedrit, Embaye M30 LG Braunschweig 00:30:13
7 Mutai, Kevin Kipngego M20 Athletes for Athletes 00:30:22
8 Saya, John Nada M30 Tansania 00:30:24
9 Kosgei, James Kiplagat M30 Athletes for Athletes 00:31:03
10 May, Michael M20 TSV Bayer Leverkusen 00:32:03
11 Schmidt, Daniel M20 Lüttringhauser TV 00:32:17
12 Gossmann, Alexander M20 SFD 75 Düsseldorf 00:32:27
13 Njoroge, Stephen Mbure MJA Kenia 00:32:42
14 Eich, Carsten M35 rhein marathon düsseldorf e.V. 00:33:09
15 Wilhelm, Patrick M20 TSV Bayer Leverkusen 00:33:24
16 Krämer, Stefan M20 ASC Düsseldorf 00:33:33
17 Hadamus, Sebastian M30 ART Düsseldorf 00:33:40
18 Jegodtka, Matthias M30 ASC Rosellen Neuss 00:33:43
19 König, Niklas M20 SFD 75 Düsseldorf 00:33:51
20 Müller, Marc M20 LG Mönchengladbach 00:34:14

10K women:
1 Njery, Pauline W20 Kenia 00:33:04
2 Mogire, Alice W20 Kenia 00:33:12
3 Kraus, Melanie W30 TSV Bayer Leverkusen 00:33:18
4 Barvanova, Ilona W35 Ukraine 00:34:18
5 Kurui, Susan W20 Kenia 00:34:24
6 Ulrich, Veronika W40 LG Telis Finanz Regensburg 00:35:19
7 Githuka, Pauline Wanjiru W20 Kenia 00:36:33
8 Maak, Petra W40 TSV Bayer Dormagen 00:36:39
9 Bingel, Judith W30 USC Bochum 00:40:30
10 Möllensiep, Sybille W45 SUS Schalke 96 00:40:51
11 Takada, Natsuko W45 Hotel Nikko Düsseldorf 00:41:04
12 Körtgen, Theresa W20 Aachener TG 00:41:25
13 Mosler, Stephanie W20 Aachener TG 00:42:03
14 Eyl, Melanie W20 Frisch Verheiratet 00:43:08
15 Hunold, Michaela W35 00:43:10
16 Janßen, Tanja W35 SUS Schalke 96 00:43:17
17 Prost, Doris W40 LAC Mausbach 00:43:31
18 Hünchen, Heike W40 00:43:37
19 Drzymalla, Camilla W20 00:44:37
20 Stodola, Heike W45 LG Rhein-Erft 00:44:10

mile women:
1 Zauber, Falko M20 LG Nord Berlin 00:04:11
2 Stifel, Jonas M20 LG Nord Berlin 00:04:12
3 Lohse, Christoph M20 TV Wattenscheid 01 00:04:12
4 Velychko, Oleksandr M20 00:04:15
5 Riewe, Johannes M20 LG Nord Berlin 00:04:20
6 Gerschler, Kenneth MJA LGO Dortmund 00:04:26
7 Ziob, Julan MJA SFD 75 Düsseldorf 00:04:29
8 Laska, Hardy MJA LGo Dortmund 00:04:37
9 Kukalla, Florian MJB ASC Düsseldorf 00:04:39
10 Knipping, Sebastian MJB SFD 75 Düsseldorf 00:04:51

mile women:
1 Mutune, Agnes W20 00:04:44
2 Restle, Simret W20 00:04:48
3 Juda, Jeanett W20 00:05:02
4 Kramer, Nina WJA LG Hilden 00:05:08
5 Peters, Katrin W20 ART Düsseldorf 00:06:17

full results of the race

1st Darmstadt marathon results, 06.09.2008

More than 6000 participants ran in Darmstadt, where the first city-marathon (including halfmarathon, 10km and 3,8km mini-marathon) took place on Saturday, September 6th. The marathon also hosted the Sparkassen-marathon championships, that were won by Ralf Gottheil (2:38:58; overall winner) and Astrid Staubach (3:15:04; overall 3rd).

Lead results were as follows:

marathon men:
1 Gottheil, Ralf (GER) Sparkasse Westmünste… 02:38:58
2 Obst, Michael (GER) TuS Griesheim 02:49:59
3 Kunze, Alexander (GER) Sparkasse Chemnitz 02:51:01
4 Wiegand, Frank (GER) Eintracht Frankfurt e.V 02:55:11
5 Hennig, Uwe (GER) BW-Bank/LBBW Stuttgart 02:55:46
6 Weitzel, Holger (GER) TV Hergershausen 02:57:19
7 Kux, Dieter (GER) BSG Merck 02:57:35
8 Fieger, Tim (GER) St Spk Augsburg 02:57:59
9 Wright, David (GBR) Colchester Harriers 02:59:01
10 Galandi, Andreas (GER) DSGV 03:00:56

marathon women:
1 Lennartz, Birgit (GER) LLG St. Augustin 03:07:46
2 Schmidt, Miriam (GER) LT- Fischbachtal e.V. 03:12:04
3 Staubach, Astrid (GER) Spk Oberhessen 03:15:20
4 Dr. Sattler, Annette (GER) Wiesbaden 03:24:37
5 Jägemann, Nora (GER) ASC Darmstadt 03:26:38
6 Risch, Karin (GER) LG BEC 03:28:37
7 Oeler, Barbara (GER) TSV Braunshardt 03:32:49
8 Schaumburg, Sylvia (GER) Lufthansa 03:42:12
9 Hillmeier, Christine (GER) Diez 03:42:27
10 Schmahl, Stefanie (GER) Darmstadt 03:45:34

halfmarathon men:
1 Burkhardt, Dominik (GER) BW-Bank/LBBW Stuttgart 01:12:28
2 Krantz, Bastian (GER) Sparkasse Bochum 01:14:04
3 Becht, Lukas (GER) ASC Darmstadt 01:15:26
4 Popspischil, Jörg (GER) 01:16:24
5 van Ghemen, Tobias (GER) 01:16:24
6 Kretzschmar, Kay (GER) Darmstadt 01:17:14
7 Lang, Thomas (GER) Sparkasse Leverkusen 01:17:55
8 Müller, Jochen (GER) Spk Freiburg-Nördl Breisgau 01:18:11
9 Schäfer, Martin (GER) Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw 01:18:16
10 Arthofer, Marko (GER) TV Trebur 01:18:25

halfmarathon women:
1 Volke, Steffi (GER) Oberhausen 01:24:25
2 Mcparland, Victoria (GER) 01:28:08
3 Neuheuser, Katrin (GER) Praxis an der Waldspirale 01:29:49
4 Apel, Sabine (GER) BW-Bank/LBBW Stuttgart 01:30:14
5 Hensinger, Martina (GER) BW-Bank/LBBW Stuttgart 01:35:15
6 Riedl, Andrea (GER) St Spk Augsburg 01:37:14
7 Seidel, Susanne (GER) S finanz informatik 01:37:03
8 Kraus, Lena (GER) ASC Darmstadt 01:37:38
9 Severin-Lenz, Karin (GER) 01:38:44
10 Zimmermann, Fanny (GER) ASC Darmstadt 01:39:30

full results of the race

1st Oldenburg marathon results, 07.09.2008

2008 saw the first edition of the Oldenburg marathon. With more than 1200 finishers, the organisers can celebrate the debut as a success.

Lead results were as follows:

marathon men:
1 Wittmershaus, Horst (GER) SC Weyhe 02:44:05
2 Nielsen, John (DEN) AK Kilen 02:52:22
3 Gruden, Roman (GER) TSV Wildbad 03:05:17
4 Seel, Jürgen (DEU) Blexer TB 03:11:22
5 Schlesiger, Alwin (GER) LG Ahlen 03:14:59
6 Sigl, Holger (GER) LT TuS Aurich-Ost 03:15:31
7 Kottlors, Michael (GER) Freiburg 03:16:24
8 Keller, Adolf (DEU) LC Wuppertal 03:16:39
9 Sumfleth, Markus (GER) TuS Fleestedt 03:17:20
10 Linse, Karsten (GER) TSG Hatten-Sandkrug 03:18:27

marathon women:
1 Mallmann, Barbara (GER) LG Ahlen 03:14:59
2 Kulgemeyer, Christin (GER) TV Georgsmarienhütte 03:21:23
3 Deters, Ute (GER) TuS Eversten 03:25:02
4 Gruensfelder, Vivica (GER) Bahrenfelder SV 03:49:20
5 Mohnhardt, Silke (GER) LG Oerlinghausen 03:52:37
6 Giesen, Inge (GER) Impuls Fitness Oldenburg 03:57:34
7 Maxand, Christiane (GER) 04:01:40
8 Rolfes, Maria (GER) LT Waldschleicher Lohne 04:02:01
9 Zeeck, Almut (GER) Freiburg 04:04:53
10 Schröder, Karin (GER) 04:07:09

halfmarathon men:
1 König, Tammo (DEU) 1. TCO Die Bären 01:15:47
2 Schlieter, Arno (DEU) SSV Rodewald 01:20:22
3 Reise, Michael (DEU) LT Kenkel, Vechta 01:20:37
4 Dr. Bandelt, Hans-Jürgen (GER) 1. TCO Die Bären 01:21:53
5 Dirks, Renato (DEU) Laufen und geniessen 01:23:45
6 Larsen, Per (DEN) AK Kilen 01:24:02
7 Scharnewski, Alexander (NOR) 01:24:43
8 Pannemann, Nico (GER) 01:24:58
9 Dierking, Stefan (GER) Oldenburg 01:25:09
10 Middendorf, Uwe (GER) LT Waldschleicher Lohne 01:25:32

halfmarathon women:
1 Westermann, Rike (DEU) SUS Neuenkirchen 01:24:45
2 Werner, Veronika (GER) Metjendorf 01:34:49
3 Niemann-Scheffel, Birgit (DEU) 01:34:50
4 Wahls, Claudia (GER) LT Waldschleicher Lohne 01:41:21
5 Bartels, Iris (GER) 01:42:12
6 Garben, Andrea (GER) LT TuS Petersfehn 01:42:57
7 Dirks, Silvia (GER) 01:44:14
8 Wichmann, Ute (GER) 01:46:01
9 Voigt, Heike (GER) TuS Weilnau 01:46:52
10 Rose, Johanna (DEU) Lauftreff SV Ofenerdiek 01:47:44

full results of the race

3rd Wolfsburg marathon results, 07.09.2008

1275 runners finished in one of the three competitions (marathon, halfmarathon, 10K).

Lead results were as follows:

marathon men:
1 Schwabe, Rolf VfB Fallersleben 02:36:29
2 Balzer, Frank VfB Fallersleben 02:52:54
3 Radic, Peter Cifer Slowakei 02:55:19
4 Heuck, Thomas TSV Lelm 02:58:20
5 Kern, Marcus TSV Lelm 03:03:03
6 Blasche, Mario LG Haeder Stendal 03:05:38
7 Riesen, Matthias 03:05:47
8 Wlodzimierz, Walus TKKF Beskidek Bielsko-Biala 03:07:15
9 Sikora, Stefan TKKF Beskidek Bielsko-Biala 03:07:58
10 Wittig, Heiko 03:09:49

marathon women:
1 Andres, Sabine Spiridon Schleswig 03:28:03
2 Brümmer, Iris Lauftreff Braunschweig 03:33:03
3 Saracino, Claudia VfL Wolfsburg Triathlon 03:45:25
4 Bone, Katrin Autostadt 03:49:35
5 Brümmer, Claudia Friends For Life 03:57:14
6 Werner, Ingrid Tanz Sport Club Gifhorn 04:01:03
7 Tandler, Bianka VfL Wolfsburg 04:03:18
8 Bierwirth, Nina 04:10:01
9 Misiek, Petra MTV Vorsfelde Marathon 04:10:38
10 Pizir, Melanie SFC Wolfsburg 04:17:50

halfmarathon men:
1 Hufgard, Nick VfB Fallersleben 01:12:33
2 Hübenthal, Eike VfL Wolfsburg Triathlon 01:17:04
3 Dill, Torsten TSV Lelm 01:18:20
4 Kramer, Andreas TSV Barsinghausen 01:19:46
5 Heinrich, Axel VfB Fallersleben 01:20:24
6 Zöllner, Jan 01:20:40
7 Kopp, Christian Sommerbiathlon Allerbüttel 01:20:45
8 Klingenberg, Jörg VfL Wathlingen 01:21:06
9 Trauden, Frank 01:21:26 01:21:19
10 Chahed, Mohamed Hydro Aluminium Deut… 01:21:29 01:21:27

halfmarathon women:
1 Weide-Jentsch, Bianca Spvgg Groß Bülten 01:34:42
2 Anschütz, Felicitas TV Klein Ilsede 01:34:48
3 Roessler, Ines VfB Fallersleben 01:39:03
4 Ruhr, Simone VfL Wolfsburg Triathlon 01:40:05
5 Becker, Karin VfB Fallersleben 01:41:05
6 Baschin, Andrea SFC Wolfsburg 01:45:31
7 Baranowski, Annika 01:46:12
8 Struck, Sieglinde VfL Wolfsburg 01:46:49
9 Mueller, Monika SFC Wolfsburg 01:47:36
10 Wienstroer, Antje 40 SFC Wolfsburg 01:47:45

full results of the race

16th Jungfrau marathon 2008 results

On Saturday, 6th of September 2008 the Jungfrau marathon was run in Interlaken (SUI) in ideal conditions. During the 42,195km the participants have to climb 1829 altitude. The men’s race was won by Hermann Achmüller (ITA), who prepared only in the plain and did not do any specific mountain-running training. Mountain-running specialist Martin Cox took 2nd place and Swiss halfmarathon champion Patrick Wieser came in 3rd.
In the womens’ race Hungarian Simona Staicu won as expected despite having stomach problems with Romanian Jeanna Malkova and Swiss Elena Kaledina following on the minor places of the podium.

Lead results were as follows:

marathon men:
1. Achmüller Hermann 1971 ITA 3:03.18,6
2. Cox Martin 1969 ITA 3:05.32,1
3. Wieser Patrick 1979 SUI 3:08.07,9
4. Short Timothy 1981 GB 3:08.37,9
5. Frick Gerd 1974 ITA 3:11.15,1
6. Murzine Grigory 1970 RUS 3:11.32,4
7. Tanui Mike 1976 KEN 3:12.24,3
8. Raittila Anssi 1976 FIN 3:12.42,2
9. Kaledine Serguej 1968 FRA 3:17.16,4
10. Jenzer Urs 1970 SUI 3:18.28,5

marathon women:
1. Staicu Simona 1971 HUN-Hungary 3:39.05,5
2. Malkova Jeanna 1968 ROM 3:41.15,7
3. Kaledina Elena 1966 SUI 3:43.21,1
4. Reiber Carolina 1973 SUI 3:44.31,6
5. Guggisberg-Oberli Petra 1974 SUI 3:50.28,4
6. Amiet Tanja 1976 SUI 3:51.55,0
7. Huser Andrea 1973 SUI 3:52.59,4
8. Lilge-Leutner Carina 1960 AUT 3:53.28,7
9. Jaun Karin 1969 SUI 3:55.01,0
10. Kambara Yuri 1976 JAP 3:56.35,0

full results of the race

Olympic marathon champ Samuel Wanjiru wants to break the marathon world record in Berlin 2009

Kenyan Samuel Wanjiru, the winner of the 2008 Olympic marathon in Beijing is going after the world record in the Berlin marathon in 2009. The 21-year old wants to break the current world record of Haile Gebrselassie (2:04:26 h, Berlin 2007): “I want the world record at next year’s Berlin marathon and I want to defend my Olympic title” he stated in an interview.

Berlin marathon 2009 rescheduled to 20.09.2009?

The 2009 edition of the Berlin marathon might be run already on September, 20th instead of September, 27th because of the elections for the German Bundestag. Usually the race takes place on the last Sunday in September but to avoid a clash of events the most famous German marathon might be preponed.

Germany to send 12 athletes to 24th WMRA World Mountain Running Trophy

The German athletics association (DLV) announced the team for this year’s World Mountain Running Trophy. Those inofficial world championships for mountain runners are going to take place in Crans Montana (Switzerland) on September, 14th.

The men will run 12 km with a climb of about 950m. Women and Juniors are going to run shorter distances. Germany will have a team in the Men’s and Women’s race as well as in the Junior Women category. Only in the Junior Men Category, René Stöckert (4th place in European Mountain  Running Championships 2008) will run wihtout any compatriots.

The complete German team includes:

Timo Zeiler (TSV Trochtelfingen), Markus Jenne (USC Freiburg), Josef Beha (FCA Unterkirnach), Manuel Stöckert (TSV Ostheim/Rhön)

Veronika Ulrich (LG Telis Finanz Regensburg), Kerstin Straub, Lisa Reisinger (both SSC Hanau/Rodenbach), Annette Bendig (TG Nürtingen)

Juniors Men:
René Stöckert (TSV Ostheim/Rhön)

Juniors Women:
Lina Scherzer (LAZ Salamander Kornwestheim/Ludwigsburg), Carolin Tuch (LAC Erdgas Chemnitz), Barbara Abler (SC Ainring)

  original enclosure (in German)

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